Start your own Blog !

 Hi everyone !

Blogs were very popular a decade back, i.e. till the micro blogs like Twitter(X) or Facebook became popular.

The present generation doesn't have the patience to read long Posts on Blogs & hence Blogs have of late, become less popular.

But still it has retained its space & continues to attract readers who are not against reading long articles or have plenty of time at their disposal.

So it's not too late if you want to start a Blog of your own & become your own publisher!

There are a few hosting sites for private Blogs who don't charge anything. It's totally free though with some limitations. But for a starter, it's enough.

I became a Blogger in 2005 just to use  my free time. Though I was very active for about a decade  I still write occasionally. 

Let us now see how to start a Blog.

You don't need to learn html or any other codes or a tech savvy guy. It is all available as templates.

As I said earlier,  there are several hosting sites,  popular among them are Blogger & WordPress.

I recommend Blogger because it is easier & more user friendly.

If you have  a Gmail account just search on Google, select 'create a unique Blog...' & login using your Gmail ID & password.

Give any name you like!

Next is to assign an address to your Blog.

Your Blog is ready for design.

Click the Menu (Three lines on top left) & click Themes

There are  lot of designs. It is going to be the background of your Blog. You can "Preview' every design before finalizing. The 'Themes" can however be changed anytime you want.

Your Blog is ready!

Now is the time to add Gadgets!!

Click the Menu icon again & select
Add a Gadget.

You can add any number of  them to your Blog. It will appear on the sidebar under the menu Icon.

Next is to publish your first post.
Go back to the 'Blogger Dashboard' & click the + icon.

Start typing. You can also insert Photos, Videos from your Gallery of your Phone, Desktop etc.

Once you completed writing click 'Publish'. There is a 'preview ' option which you can use before pressing 'Publish' (Eye icon). You can also save your Posts as drafts & publish later. You will learn all these tricks as you gain experience!!

That's all. Go to 'view your Blog' on the sidebar & you can view your post on the Blog.

Happy writing👍

In case you have any doubts you can raise it in the comments box or to my email.

Note: I could not add more screenshots as, it appears, there is a limit to the number  of such images in a Post.

